
Brendan Fraser Is Slowly Going Broke, He Petitions the Court to Lower his Alimony.

Brendan Fraser had a nice run back in the 90’s and early 2000’s.  He did the three Mummy films, George of the Jungle, Encino Man and even did some serous acting in movies like Crash.  In the next year to come he has 10 projects that are in preproduction.  That’s a huge body of work.

Then why the hell is he running out of money.

Court documents that Fraser filed provide a peek into his crazy finances and all roads lead to one thing in common…his ex-wife.  He is currently paying alimony to the tune of $50,000 per month.  That’s $600,000 per  year.  For doing nothing.  In documents that he submitted to the court in attempts to get this lowered, he showed why paying that $50,000 a month payment is killing him.

Fraser’s income totals around $205,704.04 / month.  That’s pretty good considering I can’t remember the last thing he acted in.  Like a boxer, he pays more than half of those earnings to agents, stylists and publicists leaving him with just $92,900.79 per month.  He also earns about $25,800,28 on investments.  Not bad, until you start to add up his expenses – remember alimony doesn’t include child support for their three sons so that’s listed as a seperate line item .

Alimony — $50,000
Mortgages — $5,000+
Property tax — $6,000+
Income tax — $34,132.52
Child support — $25,000
Gardening — $5,200
Various insurances — $5,000+
Family support and gifts — $5,000+
Staffing — $3,000
Pet care — $7.77

That right there is $138,340.20 putting the actor into a negative cash flow situation.  His ex wife can sit at home and od nothing and still walk away with $75,000 cash for her and the children.

Before you start to have a pity party for Fraiser just know that he is worth an estimated $25 million.  If he maintained his current level of living without doing any additional projects he could last another 45 years.  I’m sure he’s hoping he judge sees things differently.
