Celebrity Quotes of the Week: 19APR2014

Celebrity Quotes 19APR2014  - Simon Cowell
“I regret that part [having an affair]. But then of course you have a baby and you look at the baby and you kinda go, ‘This is what happened from it’.”  -Simon Cowell [source] [more…]

Celebrity Quotes 19APR2014  - Ellen Degeneres
“Last month, Colorado made $3.5 million in profit from marijuana. And, if you ask me, that number, just like everyone in Colorado, is super high.” – Ellen DeGeneres

Celebrity Quotes 19APR2014  - Ice CubeMTV Awards. Ice Cube is not a sore loser. I was born losing. This winning shit is what I gotta get use to.  – Ice Cube [twitter]


Celebrity Quotes 19APR2014 - Luke Bryan and Blake Shelton
“Everybody here tonight is ready to listen to some great, amazing, live music.”  -Luke Bryan & Blake Shelton [ACM awards]


Celebrity Quotes 19APR2014 - Rob Lowe
“When I was a teen idol, I was so goddamn pretty I wouldn’t have taken myself seriously.”   – Rob Lowe [source]


Celebrity Quotes 19APR2014 - Johnny Depp
“I would party every day with all the people I love. I would also take all the substances possible and imaginable … I would even try and drink bleach!”  Johnny Depp [source]