
MORE DETAILS! Toya Wrights Brothers Killed in Deadly Argument. A Witness Not Afraid, Comes Forward Because He’s Moving Out of The Crime Infested Area

Kemper says,

“They were yelling down, looking at the car.  There was a commotion going on.”

Since this type of behavior was normal, he didn’t think much of it at all.  He went back  to doing what he was doing and then he heard nine gunshots.  He went back to the window and didn’t see anyone.  Kemper said,

“When I looked back out, everybody was gone,”

The engine was still running in the SUV but it was not moving.  When the police arrived the brothers were in the vehicle dead with the car still on.


This is what some of the headlines are reporting. I didn’t lead with that because that came from witnesses who are speculating due to the criminal activity that takes place in that area.  They think it was a drug deal but they don’t know.  One resident that didn’t want to be quoted by name said,

“It be like they’re selling sno-balls over there,”

Sounds like a quote from “The Wire”.  It was confirmed that there was a argument but it could have been over anything.  They could have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.  They could have been fighting over a girl.  It could have been rival gangs.  Who knows.  Police did not report any drugs or drug paraphernalia found at the scene.  Not to say that it wasn’t drug related, but not to say that it was either.

To give you an indication on just how bad that block is, this is what the 911 calls look like this year for that particular block.

  • 5 – domestic disturbances
  • 4-General disturbances
  • 6-suspicious person reports
  • 1-aggravated battery by knife
  • 1-aggravated battery by shooting
  • 1-aggravated assault
  • 1-burglary
  • 1-auto theft
  • 2-dug violations.

Now add two homicides to that list.  That is just on one block!  That is total insanity.  The biggest crime committed in my neighborhood is when Ms. Berquist’s dog takes a dump on someone’s lawn and she’s too old and crusty to pick it up!

If I was John Kemper I would be getting the hell out of there too.  When they asked Kemper where he was moving to, he said,


WDMTSU – Source(s): The Advocate