
YIKES! White House Guest Needs Stitches After Getting Attacked By Obama’s Dog Sunny (PHOTO)

Even the pets of the First Family don’t want to leave the White House. On Monday, an 18-year-old family friend visited the White House to hang out with the family.

And during her time there, she met their 4-year-old dog named Sunny, a female Portuguese Water Dog who has never shown any signs of aggression in the past. But when this family friend went down to give Sunny a kiss, Sunny snapped and bit her face.

You can see the nasty injury in the photo below

The Obamas’ family physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, checked the girl out and decided she needed a few stitches. She is going to make a full recovery, although, the doctor thinks she will have a scar there for the rest of her life. That obviously upset the girl, but at least she’ll have a cool story to tell when people ask about it.

Sources say everyone finds it really strange that the dog snapped at the girl because the breed is typically not aggressive. It seems to be a favorite breed of the Obama’s. They have another Portuguese Water Dog named Bo.

Maybe Sunny is just practicing for when Donald Trump tries to take over in a week. We support you Sunny! DON’T LET THEM TAME YOU.

Show them your real name should be Mostly Cloudy.